Dr Bussey is emeritus Reader in Physics at the University of Glasgow. He was educated at Cambridge University (MA, PhD, ScD) and held a post at Sheffield University before moving to Glasgow in 1971. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics and of the American Scientific Affiliation (ASA). He now lives in Norwich.

Dr Bussey remains active in particle physics research:

• ZEUS Experiment at DESY, Hamburg where he has led the Glasgow group, in collaboration with UK groups from Oxford, and University College, London.

• ATLAS Experiment at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, with thirteen other UK groups.

In both cases the collaborations include many other institutions worldwide.

The Glasgow group in ZEUS has concentrated on studies of a variety of processes that occur when a high energy electron or positron strikes a high energy proton. Dr Bussey led a programme of study into reactions in which a photon emerges at high energy, radiated off a quark which takes part in the basic scattering process.

The ATLAS group operate one of the major experiments at the LHC collider at CERN, whose main activity is colliding protons together at the highest energies. ATLAS helped to discover the Higgs particle and continue to investigate its properties, along with detailed tests of the Standard Model of particle physics and searches for new particles that would extend the Standard Model.

Selected publications in science and religion


Signposts to God. How modern physics and astronomy point the way to belief. IVP Academic (2016)

Chapter in: God’s Glory in the Physical Universe, A. J. Akala, ed., Lexington (2020)


• How might God have guided evolution? Scientific and Theological Viewpoints, Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, 73 (2021) 1-9

• Natural Law – “God’s Law in our Hearts” , Science and Christian Belief, 32 (2020)

• God as First Cause – a Review of the Kalam Argument, Science and Christian Belief 25 (2013) 17-35.

• Mystery and Ignorance, Science and Christian Belief 23 (2011) 3-21.

• The Myth of Physicalism, Guest Editorial, Science and Christian Belief 21 (2009) 98-100.

• Explanations in Science and Beyond, Science and Christian Belief 20 (2008) 175-194, 201-204.

• Physical Infinities: A Substitute for God, Science and Christian Belief 18 (2006) 133-150.

• Beyond Materialism: from the Medieval Scholars to Quantum Physics, Science and Christian Belief 16 (2004) 157-178.

• Modern Astronomy and our Perception of the Universe, Science and Christian Belief 12 (2000) 3-15.

• Eastern Religions and Modern Physics – A Further Examination’ Science and Christian Belief 11 (1999) 113-127.

• Indeterminacy, Time and the Future, Science and Christian Belief 9 (1997) 79-84.

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