Prof. Colin Russell is Emeritus Professor of History of Science and Technology at the Open University and is a research scholar affiliated to the History and Philosophy of Science Department, Cambridge University. Prof. Russell was formerly Head of the Department for the History of Science and Technology at the Open University and President of the British Society for the History of Science. Prof. Russell was the recipient of the Dexter Award from the American Chemical Society ‘for outstanding contributions to the history of chemistry’ (1990) and of the David Mellor Medal from the University of New South Wales (1995).
Prof. Russell writes, lectures and broadcasts widely on the subject of science and religion, and his recent books include a biography of Michael Faraday as cited below.
Selected recent publications in science and religion
- Cross-Currents: Interactions between Science and Faith, Inter-Varsity Press, Leicester, 1985; American edition, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 1985; revised British edition, Christian Impact, London, 1996; Canadian edition, Regent College, Vancouver, 2002; Portuguese translation, Correntes Cruzadas, Hagnos, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2004.
- Biological science and Christian thought, article in The Blackwell Enyclopedia of modern Christian thought, ed. A. E. McGrath, Blackwell, Oxford, 1993.
- The Earth, Humanity and God, University College Press, London, 1994.
- Die Bedeutung der Theologie bei der Herausbildung moderner Wissenschaft, chapter in Im Zeichen der Krise: Religiosität im Europa des 17. Jahrhunderts, ed. H. Lehmann and A.-C. Trepp, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 1999, pp.495-516.
- Views of nature, chapter in History of science and religion: an encyclopedia, ed. G. Ferngren, Garland, New York, 2000, pp.38-44.
- Conflict of science and religion, chapter in History of science and religion: an encyclopedia, ed. G. Ferngren, Garland, New York, 2000, pp.12-16.
- Science and religion, article in International Encyclopedia of the social and behavioural sciences, ed. N. J. Smelser and P. B. Bates, Elsevier, Oxford, 2001.
- ‘Where science and history meet: some fresh challenges to the Christian faith?’, Faith & Thought Bulletin, 2001, no. 29, pp.7-20; also in Science & Christian Belief, 2001, 13, 113-125.
- Michael Faraday: physics and faith, Oxford University Press, New York, 2000. Arabic translation, Obeikan Publishers, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1425 [= 2004].
- Has science anything to do with human values?’, chapter in Can we be sure about anything?, ed. D. R. Alexander, IVP, Leicester, 2005, pp.129-142.
Other Recent Publications
- ‘Objections to anaesthesia: the case of James Young Simpson’, chapter in Gases in medicine: anaesthesia, ed. E. B. Smith and S. Daniels, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, 1998, pp.173-187.
- Chemistry, society and environment: a new history of the British Chemical Industry, (ed. and senior author), Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, 2000.
- The centrality of the “Chemical Revolution” for later industrial change: a challenge for industrial archaeology’, Trans. of TICCIH Congress, 2000, From Industrial Revolution to Consumer Revolution, 2001, 65-73.
- ‘The long shadow of alchemy’, Proc. XVIth Christ and the Cosmos Conference, 2002, 16, 33-50.
- ‘Advances in organic chemistry over the last 100 years’, Ann. Rep. Prog. Chem. (Section B), 100, 3-31, 2005.
- `Richard Watson: gaiters and gunpowder’, chapter in The 1702 Chair of Chemistry at Cambridge, ed. M. Archer and C. Haley, Cambridge University Press, 2005, pp.57-112.
- Edward Frankland: chemistry, controversy and conspiracy in Victorian England, Cambridge University Press, paperback edition, 2003.
- Chemical History – Reviews of the Recent Literature, (co-ed. with G. K. Roberts), Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, 2005.
- Dictionary of Scottish Church History and Theology, ed. N. de S. Cameron, Pickering, London, 1993: articles on Brewster .Clerk Maxwell, Walker.
- ‘What lessons from the past aid our choice?’, Perspectives in Science & Christian Faith, 2001, 53, no. 4, 241-247.