David Cook is Holmes Professor of Faith and Learning, Wheaton College; Fellow, Green College, Oxford; and Professor of Christian Ethics, Southern Seminary, Louisville.

Professor Cook was educated at Edinburgh and Arizona State Universities in philosophy and taught in Nottingham at St. John’s Theological College and the University, then in 1979 moved to Oxford to Westminster and Regent’s Park Colleges. He was elected to a fellowship at Green College where he served as Chaplain and was the founding Director of the Whitefield Institute. His teaching ranged from Medical Ethics to Philosophy of Religion and Christian Ethics. His writing includes ‘The Moral Maze’, ‘Question Time’, ‘Blind Alley Beliefs’ and ‘Not Just Science’. He was a member of the Radio Four Moral Maze team and a regular on Thought for the Day, Pause for Thought and the Daily Service. He had his own radio and television series, advised on a BBCI TV drama series and was regularly interviewed on medical and ethical issues. A former member of the BMA Medical Ethics Committee and the Archbishops’ Medical Ethics Advisory Committee, he remains a member of the United Kingdom Xenotransplantation Interim Regulatory Authority and has given advice to Select Committees of the Commons and Lords. He was awarded an honorary doctorate by Gordon College, Mass.

Currently David has completed a book on Contraception and is working on ‘Through the Moral Maze’, a new book looking at looking at fertility, genetics, sexuality, environment and war and peace. He is also working on books on the ethics of Palliative Care and one on the Beginning of Life.

With Dot Chappell he edited and contributed to ‘Not Just Science’ which draws from a wide range of the sciences and examines how Christianity influences and affects scientific work. He is interested in neuroethics, genetic engineering, xenotransplantation and robotics as well as medical ethical issues.


  • ‘Not Just Science’, ed D.F.Chappell and E.D.Cook, Zondervan, 2005.
  • ‘What are the Philosophical Implications of Christianity for the Natural Sciences?’, with R.O’Connor, in ‘Not Just Science’ Zondervan, 2005
  • ‘How Does Society Interact with Science?’, with D.F.Chappell, in ‘Not Just Science’ Zondervan, 2005
  • ‘What are the Limits in Bioengineering?’, in ‘Not Just Science’ Zondervan, 2005
  • ‘How Should the Christian’s Foundational Beliefs Shape the Work of Scientists?’, in ‘Not Just Science’ Zondervan, 2005
  • ‘Neuroethics in Perspective?’, Whitefield Briefings, 2005
  • ‘The Individual versus the Common Good’, Transplants, ed. P Morris, Council of Europe, 2003
  • ‘The Relationship of Ethics to Livestock and Quality of Life’, Livestock, Ethics and Quality of Life, ed J.Hodges and K Han, CABI publishing, 2000
  • ‘The Moral Maze, SPCK, reprinted 1994|

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