Roy Tindle was first an analytical chemist, then entered international banking where he ended up in management accountancy. Roy was also involved in voluntary youthwork organisations and, in the mid 1970’s, answered a call on Capital Radio to give up a week of holiday to assist youth projects in Inner London. The week developed into a fortnight and led to membership of the executive committee of a Christian charity, Toc H.
In 1979 Roy left banking for a new youth project within International Voluntary Service (IVS). Almost immediately he became involved in the resettlement of refugees from Viet Nam. This led to his first major campaign, persuading the Home Office to employ field workers to support the new communities.
Then into managing a youth training scheme for young people for whom English was not their first language. Campaigning again, Roy persuaded the Home Secretary and the Manpower Services Commission to provide funding for language teaching within YTS.
Later again, project managing the restoration of a Queen Anne church and thence into sustainable development and, in some measure, back to the application of science.
Roy is currently developing a church based biodiversity project within the City of London, is a member of the steering group of the London Churches Environmental Network, of the Joint Diocesan Environmental Reference Group (Anglican Dioceses of London, Southwark and St Albans) and of the Aldersgate Group, a business and NGO led environmental campaigning body.
Roy grew up within the United Reformed Church and felt called to become confirmed in the Anglican Church in the mid 1970s. Not, he says, because of a value judgement but just about being where God wanted him to go.