Nativity scene with candles

Andreas Bohm, Pixabay

Bring a little science into your advent or Christmas activities, with these off the shelf resources – many of which are free.

New! What’s a scientist doing believing in the incarnation?  Audio or video versions. Astronomer and theologian Revd Dr David Wilkinson explores how a scientist could come to believe in the incarnation, its significance for a physicist, how a scientist might process the dawning realisation that God exists, and how church leaders can preach on John 1 at Christmas time.

Joy to the World: Environmental Ethics from the Birth of Jesus (audio)


Advent books

Be magnified! Daily advent devotional to accompany the foldoscope (affordable folding microscope). The editor is blogging each day this advent.

Advent Horizons: Exploring the Intersections of Scripture and Science. Devotional resources for individuals or small groups, with photographic illustrations

Creation care-themed advent book


Worship resources

Sunday Worship resources for the first week of advent

Advent-themed all-age outdoor worship resources



Short Biblical reflections

When Jesus was an embryo – includes further resources

Human yet Divine – the incarnation

All babies are special – by a paediatrician

Unexpected Journeys – the Magi

Follow the Star – the star of Bethlehem

A Time of Hope (after COP): A Brazilian Scientist Reflects on the Christmas Message