Photo by Leszek Lechu from FreeImages
The Season of Creation, or Creationtide, runs from 1st September to 4th October each year, and has been adopted by leaders of the Anglican, Catholic and Orthodox churches. It is a time to reflect on, pray and care for God’s good creation.
Revd Richard Clarkson has produced daily reflections for all five weeks of this period. He has degrees in physics and theology, and has studied Nature Contemplation in the writing of Maximus the Confessor, is a Diocesan Environmental Officer for Lichfield Diocese, and is on the Board of Directors for The John Ray Initiative (JRI).
The writing draws on the tools of reflection, experience, poetry and question. Each day includes a Bible passage, short thought and a prayer. Each week has a broad theme: God the creator, the place and role of humans within the created world, how creation praises the creator, how we can encounter the creator within the creation, and inspiration from women and men across the Christian tradition who have had a particular connection with creation.
A free pdf of the reflections is available on the JRI website. This is a high quality resource that I hope others in the church can use and enjoy year after year.
Also, don’t miss the season of creation materials that are produced every year for a focussed Sunday service and other activities.