This excellent series of short articles was produced by the UK-based group Christians in Science. They are designed for non-scientist Christians, to help address issues of science and faith, giving the reader a background for when they are “Thinking About…” particular science-faith topics. Each leaflet outlines the basic science behind the topic, how it relates to the Christian (biblical) understanding of the world and suggests some other resources for those who want to take it further.
Topics covered:
- Big Bang
- Bioethics
- Creation Care
- Evolution
- Fine Tuning
- Genes and Embryos
- Genetic Modification
- Historical Reception of Evolution
- Human Enhancement
- How We Interpret Genesis
- Miracles
- Natural Disasters
- Neuroscience
- Science and Apologetics
- Science as Christian vocation
- Stem Cells
They are available in pdf or printed leaflet form. If you would like free print copies for your church, contact details are given on the website.