May 7, 2024 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Online and in person, Healey Room, Westminster College.

Dr Graeme Finlay

On 7th May at 1pm Dr Graeme Finlay will give a seminar entitled ‘Why Biological Evlution Should Inspire Worship’.

A light sandwich lunch will be provided from 12:30 in the Healey Room, Westminster College, Madingley Road Cambridge.

Abstract: The field of comparative genetics has provided conclusive evidence that biological evolution has given rise to the diversity of living forms, including human beings. Consequently, Christians should, with confidence, gladly accept the evolutionary paradigm and look upon evolution as a divinely ordained historical process that develops through random (stochastic, free) process, but that leads to a divinely purposed consummation. As a result, biological history in its directedness to God’s final purposes should elicit wonder. It reveals the potentiality inherent in creation, which includes the personal dimension. It illustrates the development of order from randomness. It faces the question of suffering, together with its resolution. Those with faith in God should be thankful for evolutionary fruitfulness. Worship should characterise the human response to biological history.

