November 5, 2024 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Online and in person, Assembly Room, Westminster College

Dr. Will Simonson

On 5th November at 1pm Dr Will Simonson will give a seminar entitled ‘The Trees our Teachers – Lessons from Biblical History and Modern Landscapes’.

A light sandwich lunch will be provided from 12:30 in the Assembly Room, Westminster College, Madingley Road.


Trees provide essential resources for our livelihoods and create beauty in the world. They are increasingly celebrated in contemporary natural history writing. In response to the current nature and climate crises, planting and maintaining trees in our countryside have received ever increasing policy support, helping us make progress towards net zero, adapt to climate change and improve biodiversity.  I will illustrate this through current research and development in agroforestry: the introduction of trees into farm systems for the enhanced ecological and economic benefits that they bring. I will summarise the evidence for what those benefits are and describe current trends in adoption in the UK context. Agroforestry isn’t new, however, and can be traced back over many centuries, including to ancient Israel. Inspired by references to trees in the Bible, I will explore whether the policy-driven increase in agroforestry in our modern landscapes may be an opportunity to reconnect with trees as our teachers: to understand from them a divine purpose and design for the world and our lives.

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