The Faraday project “Restoring Spiritual Values to European Science: The New Renaissance” is calling for participants for its current survey. If you work at any level of the science and research arena (from academia to industry, from the library to the lab, from research to management) in any EU member state, we would love to hear your views on the future of European science policy. Our survey is divided into 5 manageable sections and is available online now.
Answer all 5 sections of the survey and leave at least your name and e-mail address on each section to be entered into a prize draw to win an invite (and a travel voucher) to attend our future workshop in Brussels* to discuss your views with major actors and stakeholders in the European Research Area (*details tbc). Links to all the survey sections can be found on the project’s website:
You can also keep up to date with news articles related to science and research in the EU via the project’s ‘Facebook’ page, accessible at: Or simply ‘follow’ the project on Twitter @EUScienceValues
Thank you for your interest! Dr. Diana Jane Beech
Faraday Research Associate