The Language of Genetics – an Introduction



Denis Alexander


Genetics is rightly perceived as a complex, difficult and rapidly advancing discipline.  But it is a fundamental subject as we seek to understand ourselves, as well as modern medicine, agriculture, where we come from, and how human behaviour is modulated.  The Language of Genetics is informative, fully up-to-date, and eminently readable.  Read it, you’ll enjoy it!

Prof. Franciso J Ayala, University of California, Irvine.

From Mendel’s experiments with peas to the sequencing of the human genome, from disease to personality, Denis Alexander engages the reader in a fascinating tour of the science of genetics.  From his wide experience and broad knowledge Denis describes the science in a way that is accessible to the general reader.  He then asks what this tells us about our human identity, responsibility, purpose, and free will, and concludes that scientific and religious explanations are complementary descriptions of who we are and what makes us tick.

Prof. Keith Fox, Professor of Biochemistry, University of Southampton

Publisher: Darton, Longman, and Todd
Date: 21 June 2011
ISBN: 978-1-59947-343-7